Except for the very wealthy, therapeutic house calls have vanished from healthcare. In the past, physicians made house calls bringing medical services to all those who could not come into the office. I am bringing back house calls for all individuals, couples, and families in psychological distress as an innovative way of delivering psychological services. Whether you are housebound, have little time in your work or family schedule to come into the office, or simply feel more comfortable in your own home, I can come see you instead of the other way around! Whether you are actually housebound, have little time in your work or family schedule, or simply feel more comfortable in your own home, a traveling therapist can visit you instead of you visit them!
My office is in Manhattan, NY. However, I am available for phone consultation House Calls for crisis and in-home therapy, and carefully planned interventions anywhere and anytime on this planet, schedule permitting. Contact me for information and availability at alexander@dralexanderbingham.com